Sonneratia  Linn. f.

Leaves emucronate, without apical nobs
Flowers white with cup-shaped calyc-tube
Sonneratia alba J. Sm.

Small to medium tree in the mid and outer estuary
Leaves narrow, tapering towards the apex, shining green, with thick waxy cuticle
Apical and lateral branches pendulous
Flowers on the end of the branches
Petals absent
Calyx 4-lobes, leaves narrowly elliptic

Sonneratia apetala  Buch. Ham.

Leaves elliptic - oblong or oval, obovate petioles conspicuous but short
Leaves mucronate with distinct apical nobs
Flowers reddish-purple with flattened calyx-tube
Mid-rib red at the base, veins conspicuous but not prominent
Persistent calyx 6 lobed, petals linear lanceolate, dark red to reddish
Inner side greenish or yellowish white
Stamens numerous red

Sonneratia caseolaris  (L.) Engl.

 Small to medium tree, grow either on the inner or on the mid-estuary
Leaves broad; elliptic oblong, ovate or obovate, round apex, shining green, waxy
Fruits globose with long pointed persistent stigma, greenish, leathery with the conspicuous pointed calyx lobes
Leaves obovate, petiole insignificant with greenish mid-rib,
veins conspicuous, prominent in dorsal surface
Calyx 6-8 lobed, leaves obovate to sub-orbicular
Flowers apetalous, stamens numerous, white
Sonneratia griffithii Kurz.